The Gospel Harvest program is for Evangelists and Pastors and others teaching the Bible Gospel who need to have a program to track seminar attendance, Bible Studies and other interest.
This program is provided free for this purpose. The program may not be resold or distributed with any other software. It is available only from this website as a download program.

Program Requirements:

Windows 98 or later,
Processor Pentium I or better.
Has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.

Gospel Harvest will only run on a Mac computer if there has been installed the Windows Emulation with a copy of Windows running in it. Look into Parallels Desktop for Windows applications on a Mac. It is not supported as a native Mac program. Alternative options are being investigated for multi platform support. Gospel Harvest was created using Visual FoxPro 9.

You can link several computers together with a network and run Gospel Harvest on all of them from one computer where the program was installed.

Program Features

Gospel Harvest features customizable settings for each meeting to be tracked. Set up the tracking for Advertising sources, Decisions list and Age ranges to match your registration cards for each meeting individually or save your settings to be the default for all of your meetings. Adjust the settings anytime you need to.

Meeting attendance management is as simple as tracking those you need to work with or as complex as managing several participating churches in the same series with follow up teams in each church. Follow up assignments to team members can be by zip codes or by assignment or a combination of each method. Set individual follow up assignment override as needed.

Easy network configuration allows multiple computers to be linked together and run Gospel Harvest on all of them from one master computer where the program was installed. Examples of networked uses:

  • Multiple person data entry can speed up opening night's collected new registrations using the networked setup.
  • Use optional security with teams so each person has an individual logon and access to only the assigned follow up contacts they are working with.
  • Use as many networked computers as needed with a bar code scanner on each one. Returning attendees scan their ticket code for fast recording of attendance in multiple lines not just one!
If you use one computer or need to work with many, the Gospel Harvest program is up to the task.

Share the program and the data with the church pastor easily. The program is free for the Gospel Work!

Three classes of reports:

  • Attendance - See your nightly attendance counts and manage support for attendees.
  • Follow Up - Manage your follow up contacts for yourself or manage contact follow up teams.
  • Statistical - Color chart displays for nightly number of attendance, Age distribution and more.
  • All reports can export the raw data to other useful data formats for use in spreadsheets or mail merge documents!

    "The Holy Spirit from heaven, working with the sons and daughters of God, will surmount obstacles and hold the vantage ground against the enemy. God has great victories in reserve for His truth-loving, commandment-keeping people. The fields are already whitening for the harvest. We have light, and rich, glorious endowments from heaven in the truth made ready to our hands; but men and women have not been educated and disciplined to work in the fast-ripening harvest fields." 5T 581.2